
This command adds or replaces the Tag string in the Notes field of a Hyper-V VM.

Common Usage

Here are the common ways to use this command.

Add a Tag to a VM

If the Notes field of the VM does not contain a Tag string yet, you can add it like this:

Set-VMTag -VMName DomainController01 -Environment Lab01 -Service Domain -DependsOn Gateway

If you want to replace a Tag just use the following

Set-VMTag -VMName DomainController01 -Environment Lab01 -Service Domain -DependsOn @('Gateway', 'DHCP') -Force


-Environment [string[]]

The environment the VM belongs to. It accepts arrays as well as single strings.

-Service [string[]]

The service the VM provides. It accepts arrays as well as single strings.

-DependsOn [string[]]

The Service the VM depends on. It accepts arrays as well as single strings.

-VMName [string[]]

The name of the VM on which you want to set the Tag. It accepts arrays as well as single strings.

-VM [Microsoft.HyperV.PowerShell.VirtualMachine[]]

The VM object were you want to set the Tag. It accepts arrays as well as single objects.

-Computername [string]

The Hyper-V host containing the VM. It is only used in combination with the VMName parameter. The default value is localhost.


Overwrite an existing tag.